School House Rock Wiki

Rocky is a superhero/student and Schoolhouse Rock's mascot/main protagonist. He is possibly a redesign of Zero.


Screenshot 2021-05-30 11.08

In his usual outfit, Rocky wears a red hoodie and blue jeans.

In his superhero outfit, Rocky wears a blue cape with matching underwear, white gloves with matching boots, and a red bodysuit with the yellow letters S and R. He is about Verb's height as well when he's a superhero.

Rocky has curly red hair and a cheery grin.


"Cause knowledge is power!" (Usual outfit only)

"Hey, chef! What's the special today?

-He was voiced by Daniel Seward in the Grammar Rock game. Tom Yohe Jr voiced him in the old/shortened intro, but in the newer version of the intro, he was voiced by Tom Yohe JR's son. It's now safe to assume that Tom Yohe III did not voice the newsboy from "Walkin' on Wall Street".

-In The Best of Schoolhouse Rock, he was voiced by a different person at the end, possibly due to Tom Yohe III getting older.

-Rocky's also revealed to have white sclera when the letters in "SCHOOLHOUSE ROCKY" begin toppling, and again on the Extra Credit disc, when he seemingly hits the screen and faints. Also, his hair stands up like Shaggy's.
